What is lacrosse?
Originally a native American game, and often called the fastest game on two feet, lacrosse is an intense, fast-paced (and in the men’s version, full-contact) sport played with a stick and a ball.
A little about us…
We are a family club for anyone of any age, ability or experience. Whether you're completely new to the game, a uni student in the area for a few weeks, or an old hand wanting to get back on the wagon, we’d love to have you down at training!
We are based in Hertfordshire and train and play in the Welwyn/Hatfield area. We offer weekly training all year around with professional coaching. Click here for details of training/game locations.
Join the club
At Welwyn Warriors we welcome players of all ages and abilities, and joining the club is easy. Just fill out the form below to let us know you’re interested and feel free to come along to a training session or game - if you like what you see, we can take it from there.